
How Cloud Bookkeeping Has Improved Business Accounting

In this blog post, we’ll examine the multiple benefits of cloud bookkeeping systems and how they aid businesses in improving their bookkeeping operations and systems and staying compliant with HMRC’s new Making Tax Digital (MTD) rules.

6th March 2023

Cloud bookkeeping has recently become popular in the field of accounting, especially among small businesses. With cloud computing, you can store, maintain, access, and use accounting records online. Customized accounting software enables you to carry out accounting operations, making business accounts more accessible and easy to update in real-time. Some businesses develop their own cloud accounting systems with the help of experienced accountants in Essex. However, most businesses partner with third-party accounting firms to implement cloud accounting as SaaS (Software as a Service) for their operations

A person reviewing finances online

Benefits of Bookkeeping

Implementing cloud accounting software through an experienced bookkeeping service in Brentwood can transform the efficiency of your bookkeeping operations. It can streamline the financial management of your company and offers a real-time review of your key figures. Here are some of the major benefits offered by Cloud Bookkeeping:

1) Real Time Bookkeeping

One of the biggest benefits of cloud accounting is that it allows your business to get an up-to-date picture of its current business position and financial situation. You can make and update accounting entries at any time. Your sales team can book new orders and they will update your inventory immediately. Inventory and sales data can be updated as soon as the new stock shipment arrives or payments are received. The centralised records of your business can be updated on the spot. Whenever you review the financial position of the business, the records reflect the true position of the company, at all times.

2) Greater Accessibility

Another major advantage of cloud bookkeeping is that you and your teams can get access to it from anywhere, anytime.
Suppose that two of your sales team members are working for the same client, but are at different locations. One of them closes the sale and updates it on your cloud bookkeeping system. The other team member will be able to see it immediately. This can help prevent the second sales rep from wasting more time on the same customer and they can move on to the next lead.

Cloud accounting also gives your sales and production teams the ability to access the company database and find out how much inventory you have in stock. This will help them plan their production and sales more efficiently.

3) Automated Bookkeeping

In most cases, bookkeeping requires you to fill out similar forms with the same financial numbers over and over. Cloud bookkeeping allows you to automate most of these redundant bookkeeping processes.

For example, some businesses have hundreds of customers that subscribe to the same service for the same fee every month. Instead of manually inputting their monthly renewal every month, you can automate the entries by adding a recurring order option to your system. Not only will this help you save time, but automation will also reduce the risk of errors and inaccurate entries in your accounting records.

4) Easier Data Recovery

Losing accounting data can be a devastating blow to a business. It can bring the whole business operation to a stop. Reproducing the records also takes time and money, something that most small businesses cannot afford.

Cloud bookkeeping support through a Certified Chartered accountant in Brentwood, Essex offers a real solution to this problem. You have the option of creating one or multiple backups of the accounting records that are kept in separate places. This makes it easier to recover data in case of a mishap.

Data is regularly scheduled for backups and the whole process takes place seamlessly, without affecting your bookkeeping operations.

5) Paperless Accounting

A large number of small businesses across the world have shifted to online accounting in the last two decades. However, some small businesses continue to rely on paper-based accounting ledgers. Cloud bookkeeping offers an excellent reason to finally make that switch to paperless accounting. This will also help the business prepare for Making Tax Digital (MTD).

With cloud bookkeeping, you will be able to issue bills and invoices to your customers directly to their business email. You can also send payment receipts to their accounts directly you’re your cloud accounting software. One beneficial aspect of switching to cloud bookkeeping is that it will drastically reduce the chance of making errors when printing receipts for customers as everything is done digitally.

6) Scalable Business Growth

If you are keeping your business accounts offline, your operations are often restricted in the number of orders you can reasonably process every day.

For example, you can easily use third-party accounting services to help book and manage thousands of orders daily. If you are keeping records offline, the best you can do is probably 5 – 10 orders each day.

The reason is that cloud-based bookkeeping in Essex allows you to put multiple teams to work from different locations on the same centralised record. This makes it much easier to scale your business without any problems.

7) Integrate With Other Software

Cloud bookkeeping opens up the doorway to connecting your company with other businesses and services. You can integrate cloud bookkeeping software in Brentwood with POS systems, leads management systems, CRM software, payroll processing companies, or with an HR managing platform for easier management of your business.

A cloud bookkeeping system will allow you to integrate your business with other companies and make it much easier for you to manage your business.


In this blog, we examined the multiple benefits of cloud bookkeeping systems and how they aid businesses in Brentwood, Essex to improve their bookkeeping operations and systems and stay compliant with HMRC’s new Making Tax Digital (MTD) rules.

Cloud bookkeeping provides better accessibility, enhanced accuracy, real-time accounts updates, data backup and recovery, scalable business growth, integration with other software and paperless accounting for companies.

As chartered certified accountants in Brentwood Essex, In Front Accounting can help upgrade your current accounting systems to cloud accounting to help improve your overall business management.

Cloud Accounting Services

Our cloud accounting and bookkeeping services provide the ideal answer to all your financial administration needs.